Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Two Sides of the Communication Coin

 "After all is said and done, more is said than done." Well said Mr. Aesop Fables.

OK, so here's the big secret. . .

I do not enjoy talking.

If you're with me, stand up and say . . . nothing! Yeah, you know who you are. You're the person at a party who does a lot of listening. How do they know us? By 'they' I mean the people who see us as walking ears.

Problem #1: I majored in speech communications and vocal music.

Problem #2: Virtually everything I have done in the 'make a buck' compartment of my life has had something to do with speaking.

Although I don't love talking, I love communicating. Big difference between mere chatter and actual communication.

I love seeing that moment of connection when mutual understanding, energy, and clarity takes preeminence over just the sound of rambling words. Communicators, like myself, may not love to talk, but we do love to convey ideas, plant seeds, and foster freedom that brings a change in someone else. We also love sharing mutually in a gentle tennis match of ideation, synergy, and positive consequence.

True communication. True connection.